
This command returns all events that have occurred since the last call of BlePeriph.GetEvents. Events that have taken place twice (e.g. Write to the same characteristic) will occur only once in the returned array.


Parameters (request frame)


Returned values (response frame)

Name Type/Size Description
Length of Events Integer (8 bits) Number of elements in the Events array
Events Array -
EventId Enumeration (8 bits) Values:
  • Connect (0x01)
    A BLE Central has connected to the reader.
  • Disconnect (0x02)
    The currently connected Central has disconnected.
  • Write (0x03)
    An characteristic was modified by the Central. CharacteristicNdx identifies the modified characteristic.
CharacteristicNdx Integer (16 bits) The characteristic that was modifed by the BLE Central. The characteristic is identified by the index within the Characteristics array passed to BlePeriph.DefineService. Only relevant if EventId is Write.